Sounds great! Will send you something soon as
I'm a part time Artist who makes various animations, videos, music and more in my spare time.
Age 35, Male
Qantm College
Brisbane Australia
Joined on 6/12/11
Sounds great! Will send you something soon as
I think I've give it a try later today :)
Send in an audition.
Sound really fun, I'm so glad you found a way to include your fans in this project. Think I'll audition. :3
Sent an audition. Sounds like it could be fun.
Seems Like Fun I will try sending an audition later XD
I forwarded this to one of my actor buddies. Hopefully he'll send in an audition.
I submit mine i hope you like it ^_^
Sending it as we speak! :D
So, I e-mail'd you. I tried three roles, and it's all my throat can take for today. ;D
-Matthew Hall
Just sent mine, hope it's ok!
I'm by no means a voice actor but I'll give it a go, Should be quite fun! :D
Just sent mine n good luck everybody else
Just sent my auditions, thank you for your time! I'm sure I'll enjoy it whether I get picked or not.
Ah man, once I finish my finals I'll totally send an audition for this!
I have thrown my voice into the bin, hope you find it interesting.
I sent in auditions for all characters , except the soldiers. Try as I might, I cannot pull off an austrailian voice. I included a text file explaining my mic setup, and basis as a voice actor. I used the name Fawkes1989, as this is a really old account I just can't bring myself to delete. I can make a new one with that name, if you like.
Sent the Audition, fingers crossed
Emailed ya, Rick.
Sent an audition. Super hyped to see the new vids!